Monday, September 28, 2009

Mouth Wash By Kate Nash Piano Sheet Music


La era moderna de los cómics nace en los periódicos (la era antigua queda en los códices y en los tapices de otra época) y es una transformación de las ilustraciones cómicas y satíricas que aparecían en los diarios del siglo XIX . La temática de estas tiras consistía, por lo general, en historias de corte humorístico que intentaban draw a smile from the reader, either adult or child. Hence the name of comic that gives this art form and hence the identification with a minor art to children. So
comic was born in the newspapers and thus has published for many years, particularly in the area where U.S. Syndicate got not only the widest possible dissemination of the strip but a labor rights minimum copyright and artists who were the germ for the artistic and intellectual recognition.
I will not dwell on the subject of origins of comic, I have experience to know that this part of the history of comics unattractive, but I will bring several strips here who have achieved wide fame and media. Peanuts is , Mafalda , Olaf , Garfield and Cuttlas . This series is still running in the English press, either Sunday (El Pais - Peanuts / Garfield ) or in the newspaper as a later section (ABC / Olaf, 20 Minutes / Cuttlas ) or as collectibles ( Mafalda / World).
The name of this entry, Peanuts translatable as tiny things, like, as far as possible, to honor this kind of comic , smaller format than comic - book, the graphic novel or the great serial , and that sometimes reached very high artistic levels. I say sometimes because, despite public criticism and praise some of these stories, I think they are a very minor part in the world of comic .
Snoopy is the emblematic figure of the series Peanuts , his personality dethrones Charlie Brown and the other characters. In Spain he has been champion of an urban tribe, that of the posh eighties, and EE . UU . NASA's pet, do we have to think there is a sociological meaning in that?. Symbolism aside, the critics considered in comic Peanuts series in its entirety a masterpiece, something which I disagree for several reasons having to do with the size of the stories, very limited, with the scripts and the dibujo.o However, I recognize the value of Charles M. Schultz as a craftsman and a great worker, he even had the courage to leave farewell cartoons were published the same day of his death, 50 years after the start of the Peanuts .
As Quino, I think a great artist, a great illustrator and a great comedian, but far from his best known work, Mafalda . This girl rebellious period immediately preceding military dictatorship Argentina, who lives 68 and fall of Peronism achieved great di world fusion, no doubt amplified by the circumstances in which published, with many problems of censorship and many freedoms restricted. However, the appeal of going to facile slogans the late seventies and representation of archetypes and prototypes of the company in small Mafalda Friends (Guille, Susanita , Manolito , freedom) do not increase but decrease artistic values \u200b\u200bof this series, because, where other authors as Goscinny or own Calpurnio take the topic and make it a likeable character, Quino not convinced. I mention this, obviously, because I'm not convinced this supposed naivety of the character, something that does has millions of readers.
But is that public success and continuity of time series does not guarantee they are of such quality to be included in a selected elite of comics. It is true that it is sympathetic works often make a smile come to the mouth and the reader's mind, which is difficult given the space limitations of these strips, but the fact remains that nobody in their right mind would think include sketches of Álvarez Quintero in the category of great works of literature. Thus, tinged with autobiographical work Jim Davis , Garfield , the pet cat that Jon becomes master of the house, or the work Olaf the Viking consciously anachronistic, do not cease to be mere entertainment of rapid consumption.
The English case is unique, we enjoy some of the best artists in this genre, but have had limited distribution in God for what has been published frequently in journals, which have been provided with greater creative freedom. This is the case Ibáñez, Escobar and others, displaced by the newspaper cartoonists made a career, and work in publications as Mortadelo or DDT . Calpurnius , author Zaragoza, is a good example of how the inability to publish in newspapers took him to the fanzines , a Viper, a Cairo , and became, despite all the above on this subgenre, in an artist with a splendid work, Cuttlas , that is still alive! in a newspaper!.
Cuttlas is a personal weakness, not only by the surrealism of stories, a purported ease and simplicity, the touches of lyricism, the homages to western , the use of topical over the Indian and Mexicans, but because Cuttlas invented at every turn and surprise, for a character who has no faction has a personality much greater than all those mentioned in this post, almost a line, almost as a figure of Greco, no meat, all soul.


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