Monday, January 25, 2010

Brent Corrigan Of Cell Phone



that I have told these days has been nothing but a particular view of the comic, is clearly not the best, but mine, the green arrow.

thousand words but eventually, at least, as I have known. Araceli, host of the program leaves this station. I do not know if I continue with the radio, I know I'll keep the blog.

reasons for continuing the blog there. The first love of comic books, comics, cartoons, which are almost the same. The second is the radio bug. Stalled, despite the lack of preparation. The third habit. Most importantly, people.

'll see how this adventure has just opened a new stage in my life. Light cycle, because this fun and changes in my home are nothing compared with other changes,

Theatre, cinema, comics, novels, are nothing but ways to reach people, intimate, storytelling. The radio is also the voice that accompanies and coos. Some voices of a thousand words are beautiful, wherever they go they do not change.

has arrived Monday. On Monday the farewell or goodbye. Whenever I finish a program or series, turns off the curtain and say goodbye. So they told the commander Che Guevara. So we tell the thousand words of Amai.

Thanks to all contributors who have been kind and responsive. Thanks to the engineers that have spoiled my daughter. Thanks to the men and women of this program.

Until then!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

When Can You Bathe After Hysterectomy

Jean Giraud / Moebius. "TWO FACES OR A FACE?


(THOUSAND WORDS PROGRAM, JANUARY 21, 2010) Speaking of Moebius

we can remember the famous mathematician, famous surface described or a brilliant and unconventional French which also responds to its other name, Jean Giraud. Since this is a blog about comics seems obvious that we refer to last but I have no so clear that our Moebius is nothing but an embodiment of the surface, a surface with two sides that turns out to be only one.

Use for this narrator of his two names is arbitrary. Jean Giraud is the name used for more conventional and classic comic strip, the cartoonist of Lieutenant Blueberry. Moebius is the heteronymous that creates other worlds, other realities, the creator of Incal.


The importance of knowing that we can assess his name was for the 80 in France was linked to the intelligentsia and considered by many, not a comic figure but a true philosopher and guru. And it is clear that the author of The Splice Loco, friend of that other mad called Jodorowsky, is not a conventional person.

Moebius Lodz 2008.jpg

Parisian and a citizen of many worlds, Jean Giraud started very young in the world of comics and illustration. Before going to live in Mexico with 16, and had seen their first stories published in France. After a journey of several years he lived on in Mexico, France, Germany and Algeria moved permanently to France in 1961 and began to collaborate on a series of stories about the West. When in 1964 Jean Michel Charlier joins to create El Teniente Blueberry starts a time of great commercial success that has allowed since then to live so well off. Although the greatest critical success as harvest as Moebius, has never forgotten or relegated to Blueberry, has always been a series that has taken great care in both the drawing and in the script, and not just professional jealousy, but who has admitted he has a particular fondness for this character for what he has learned the art of drawing and storytelling.


should not be a coincidence that his name be attached to the French journals have the greatest impact in the world of comics. A pile came from the hand of Goscinny and Uderzo. In Hara-Kiri became Moebius for to go beyond the actual Jean Giraud and Associates created the humanoid Metal-Hurlant. Ie, traveled from the comic classic of Franco-Belgian comics to fantasy overflowing with the best science fiction ever made, through the comic critical, experimental and satirical.
this author's work begins in a classical way, Lt. Blueberry, is a narrative about the American West, full of platitudes that often drink from the movie, but it is a work of very high quality. It tells the story of a loser, a Southerner, who is accused of killing his father must flee to avoid hanging. Adopts the name of Mike S. Blueberry and runs the Old West during the Civil War, living with the Apaches and is at the OK Corral in Tombstone mythical.




However, their production and Moebius is radically different. Not only for the drawing less realistic, less corseted, but because it opens one of the most influential careers that are known in science fiction. I love the subtle worlds, weightless and gentle, like soap bubbles, and so are their worlds, liquid, ethereal, full of magic and fantasy, tarot and ciberseres, and in these it is possible to traverse Tanhauser door and see zeta-ray glow in the dark. For posterity are The Airtight Garage, The Incal and its protagonist John Difool and Arzach . The worlds we imagine and create their vision of worlds most liquids, the connection between sleep and wakefulness, between fantasy and reality are indebted to the author, Jodorowsky, and the years he spent reading science fiction only, and also, no one refute, to marijuana.
Alien films, Star Wars, Willow, Little Nemo, The Fifth Element and Blade Runner have also received the support of Moebius or have seen their influence and collecting movies.


If we speak of two sides and duality, we can say that it has moved from western to science fiction, the comic classic to experimental, of a name to another, from loneliness to the partnership, of a universe to another. But, if we like ants in this picture and we started by any of them, did not arrive at the same point where off back off back without leaving the surface?.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Cybex Olimptical Calrie Acuarcy

Help for earthquake victims in Haiti

Come on, people! Let's see if for once globalization is used for something good and each contributes its bit. That does not say.

Click on the title and it will leave the link. If not, here. Thank you for your solidarity and a hug.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Kamehastra Read Online


(PROGRAMME thousand words. 14 January 2010)
Surely someone shares with me sometime hilarious laugh with these guys that are already above 50. Surely someone has laughed just like a real crazy with some of these super bullet. Sure that today I forgot something and someone, the more fan and more knowledgeable of this work, I will remember. Sure.

But what I mean?, Whom do I mention?. Without doubt, the most famous spies of our country, Mortadelo and Philemon, Clever & Smart, or Mort & Phil. That is a guy with fur dress with white shirt and red pants, and other bald and with glasses wearing black coat, but a magician of the costumes.

These two characters were born in 1958 from the pen and hand Ibanez, one of the foremost exponents of English comics of the 50, 60 and 70. So, you met talluditos and 50, and Philemon Mortadelo have become the most popular series of English comic, the most international and almost a symbol, a way of working is almost extinct.

Ibsen's story began like many English in the 50's, seeking a steady job at a credit institution, so she went to work as a bellboy at the Foreign Bank of Spain, but left this work to engage in story altogether. In this operator is owed a huge amount of sets and characters like Family Trebizond, Leak and Otilio Pepe, 13, rue the Barnacle, Rompetechos, The Saccharin buttons ... but it is with Mortadelo and Philemon with those reached success. I would add that not only success, but coming of age as an author and his masterpiece, but the excessive highs and lows of this series can not elevate it this way, ie as one of the great cartoonists.

Despite its success, undoubtedly, unquestionably, deserved, Ibanez might have been something else. There condemn the English Tragedy I commend itself to oblivion and foreign, and this comic and many of the School Bruguera has happened so that his satirical and parodic tone seems to have relegated to a lower step in the assessment of his work. It is not always the inferiority complex which makes the English authors less known authors critically, how to work the piece with several series of parallel, several weekly newspapers, royalty-free, unsigned, no schedules, preventing them from develop a greater potential. A potential that could have overshadowed many of the reputations of the authors enjoyed with cut Belgian comic series. Raf, Vazquez, Escobar, Bernet or Ibanez being equal, would have been at the height of Morris, Uderzo, Goscinny and Herge, but that's another story that must be told another time. Occasion that will never exist.


Bah, let the ramblings. Mortadelo and Philemon, Information Agency, was the series that began in 1958. It was a parody of Sherlock Holmes and Watson, which was developing a story in just one page, six rows of bullets, which, by necessity, always ended badly. Critics speak of this as an early stage of the series, and four distinct stages. I, and forgive immodesty, spoke of three stages, short stories, the long histories with Bruguera and life after Bruguera. Throughout this first stage in the stories passed from one page to two, there is also an evolution in the characters and stories. His appearance, the graphic becomes smooth. Philemon traits become more harmonious, change the clothes you about Sherlock Holmes, your property appears Mortadelo bow and leaves the bowler and umbrella, which opened for business. The stories, though still have very hungry scripts, develop a little more and stop having an argument more like a farce than a naración popular mature. I note that this account has made this classification based on their experience as a reader remembers Mortadelo and Olé in the collection, long stories short stories were complemented dazzled not as much as the others and were introduced as fillers. The truth is that this is done without any editorial notice, reading became an exercise especulatorio, you do not know if I was reading stories about the characters themselves or others, the same author, or the same time. Over time and access to more channels of information, I have found the key, but I am sure that better editing would have a character of quality to the publication, to the series and would have had a better critique. Again the ramblings!.

43572 17127

Finally, in 1969 published Atomic Sulfate, the first long history Mortadelo and Philemon, and, along with a handful of long stories these characters and 13, rue the Barnacle best of Ibanez. With this album opens the prime of the characters, sales success, and champions of the publisher, they get their own magazine in 1970. To reconcile the longest stories in magazines more frequently, Ibanez used to create chapters four, six or eight pages that are published in the journal and are autoconclusivos. In the action of the story correspond generally to what occurred during a day. The union of several of these chapters, six to twelve, are the album to be published in Collection Olé. And many of these Super Olé Men make up a book or Super Humor Humor. It is also a profitable period, a fertile period in which the car is hit in the narrative structure of the series, leaves the humor displayed saitinesco and skits, visual jokes, absurd humor, entanglement, puns, black humor, etc. . The drawing, pure Ibáñez, is the more carefully. And the characters and places common and recurrent in the series are born in this era. It must include the TIA, the Superintendent Vincent, professor Bacterio Saturnino, the secretary Ofelia. Who can not remember the shoe phone, the secret entrances, cambiazo machine?.

During the period from 1969 to 1989, the situation in English life undergoes a sea change, too Mortadelo and Philemon. I do not know whether the exhaustion of ideas, the saturation of work or other circumstances are to blame, but it is true that the quality of the series begins to decline after 1979. There is an important fact, six row of bullets in 1958, passed in 1970 by five and four in 1979 (metabolic Processors) and the amount of things that each page has considerably decreased. This added to repetition of gags, stories, a child care of drawing and color and the introduction of rabid present in the stories make the quality, but no success, falling almost exponentially.

Bruguera output can not be categorized as easy. A trial and the loss of copyright starring stage low quality of the stories, often conducted by a team of editorial Bruguera or Ediciones B. The disappearance in 1996 of the periodical magazines meant so paradójica, una recuperación de la calidad de Mortadelo y Filemón, que solo verían ya su publicación en formato álbum directamente. A mi juicio, nunca se recuperaría el espíritu del Mortadelo de Los Mercenarios , y la inclusión de historias muy cercanas a la actualidad, el intento de realizar sátira política y de sociedad, han sido los que han acabado de dar la puntilla a una idea que, por original y distinta al resto, triunfó. El agotamiento de una historia de más de 50 años, también ha provocado la sequía de ideas.

La relación de las historietas largas de estos personajes protagonizadas hasta la fecha es la siguiente:

Sulfate Atomic
Against the "gang" of crackling
Safari street
Value y. .. The bull!
cod case
Chapeau the "esmirriau"
cambiazo The machine
The case of the ten locks Magin
Catch the picture!
Inventions of Professor Bacterio
Gatolandia 76
Operation bomb!
diamonds Grand Duchess
The other "me" the professor Bacterio
The elixir of life
The antidote
Pots kooks
A weapons
The plane of Ali-pig- not
Panic at the zoo
entrance examination
Objective eliminate the "Frog"
Mission dogs
The kidnappers
The goose that lays the golden eggs
Sock Case
The sorcerer
World 78

copy machine people
metabolic Processors
A for the child!
Vicente People
1980-1981: Moscow
The elasticina
The murderers kHz
Car thieves
Gone with the Wind was left
The brigade Bichera
Tete Rocket
World 82
The case of Mr. little
In Germany
World 82 bis
wax creatures living (apocryphal: Casany )
The ball catastrophic
The case of young children (apocryphal: Casany)
Billy the "horrendous"
There is a traitor in the TIA
The Bacilon
The rise
The Statue of Liberty
Witness for the Prosecution
Los Angeles 84
Cocoa space
Here comes the Treasury (apocryphal: dash of Jesus of cos)
security The provost
The infallible CrecePelo (apocryphal )
Stroller Lere
hunting Chott A (apocryphal: jesus cos / Casany)
The Zum-Bhao sect (apocryphal: dash of Jesus of cos)
Simon the elusive (apocryphal: fco script. serrano)
Professor Strikes specimen (apocryphal: Julio Fernandez script)
The medium Paquita (apocryphal: Jesus script cos)
Mexico 86 (apocryphal: dash of Jesus of cos)
transmuting Ray (apocryphal: Jaume Ribera script)
Matt'usalén The band (apocryphal: Jaume Ribera script)
The brainwashers (apocryphal)
The sinister garden
The weather battering
Those who came back from "Beyond"
Seoul 88
1988-1989 :
The bitch of galaxies (apocryphal signature buffer)
The sobrinetes (apocryphal signature buffer)
The superpowers
The flyers tacillas (apocryphal signature buffer)
The nuclear cochinadita (apocryphal signature buffer)
Weapons bug (apocryphal signature buffer)
The gypsy curse (apocryphal signature buffer)
candidate (apocryphal signature buffer)
The Gomeztroika
lust for power (apocryphal signature buffer)
Go TIA and is updated
The prophet Jeremiah
The award not -vel
Rescue smarty (apocryphal signature buffer)
The big soiree (apocryphal signature buffer)
The espantajomanes
The Inspector General (apocryphal signed buffer)
jam influences The
Gulf crisis
Barcelona 92 \u200b\u200b
The test-tube case of Mr.
The tergiversicina
wacky Embassies
The racist
The fifth anniversary
The 35
anniversary 1993-1994:
Mr. todoquisque
Maastricht ... Jesus
The new category
Robots bestiajos
Clinics antibirria
weed Route
World 94
wiretaps The
Nightmare ...!
Corruption galore
Timazo the song
20,000 Leagues sibylline
Silence rolled!
The costume, something false
cardiovascular Press
The jury
The guardian angel
Atlanta 96
100 years of comic
J Records
The trastomóvil
Bye bye Hong Kong!
damn those extra pounds
Dukes Cows
The band of the tourists
His private life
Sports horror!
The creepy doctor Bichez
The Moor's Oscar
The damned typewriter
El Tirano
Of the eighty p'arriba ...
twentieth century, what progress!
Sydney 2000
The Little Mermaid
Formula 1
Rehabilitation that
came the euro!
The computer ... What horror!
2002 World
Mission Triumph!
The UVA (Ultraloc Speed \u200b\u200bAutomotive)
tremendous Rapture
Athens 2004
The Lord of the Bricks
Mortadelo de la Mancha
The point card
The kamikaze Regulez
2006 World
Under the roar of thunder!
Doping ... What porridge!
Euro Basket 2007
50 tacos ... and go!
fifties Revenge!
El Dos de Mayo!
Beijing 2008
Gasoline ... Ruin! 2009-2012

On the Moon!
For Isis, came the Crisis!
our ancestors, the Mico
Flu U


As I have all my favorites. Of course, The Atomic Sulphate, the best, without hesitation, on an artistic level of all stories. Courageous reporting in 1969, a surprising military regime and the story told. Then there are Panic at the Zoo, The Mercenaries, The cambiazo Machine, Box of Ten Locks, The Witch and the World 78. All of them are united by a personal approach and a few others sentimental, but are united by a common exponent, are pre-1980 stories. Prior to the appearance in my life other comics and other interests, and, interestingly, included in the classical stage of the series. Perhaps not much chance, because the appearance of these comics in the English market revolutionized and ended the monopoly of Bruguera and the preeminence of his style. And thus with Ibanez untouchable status.

Lastly, if this does not work for another day, I assure you that I left many things to say . Some know them, sometimes not. If someone wants to write or comment something, so be it. But stating one thing, Harold Lloyd hanging from a clock, Buster Keaton in a tornado and Philemon Mortadelo and in many cases, have been the cause of my greatest fits of laughter. Despite the criticism I have an immense love them. At all.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Fotos En Bikini De Lorena Herrera

(PROGRAMME thousand words. 7 JANUARY 2010)

Today, a day later that even the Republicans have felt monarchists (except my friend Ignacio), I want to continue this tradition and speak of another royal dynasty, that of Brave, Prince.
Quizás este personaje y su autor pertenecen a una época muy lejana en cuanto a imagen e ideales a la nuestra, estamos hablando nada menos que de un gran clásico, pero es imprescindible hablar de él para conocer los orígenes del cómic actual. A nadie que quiera saber algo sobre cine se le ocurriría obviar a John Ford, a Murnau o a Lubitsch, así que espero que a nadie que se acerque al cómic decida dejar de lado a Foster, a Raymond, Caniff o a cualquiera de los que convirtieron las tiras cómicas de los periódicos en una forma de expresión con categoría de arte.
Harold Foster, el creador de Valiente y de Tarzán, era un canadiense que emigró United States in 1922. There he enrolled in an agency that had purchased the rights to the novel Tarzan, which he adapted in 1929 to make way for then to other cartoonists. After the crack of 29, the publisher closed and had to work for a Syndicate and resume Tarzan, whose image and iconography, alongside the film definitely helped create. Like many authors, this serial and this character a bit overwhelmed him, so he began to outline a new character, Valiant, which did not work in the editorial in which he worked.

In 1937, after a change of publisher, was born to age Prince Valiant, translated into English as Prince Valiente, where adjective and proper name is confusing. This series has had a very long life and was exclusively in the hands of Harold Foster until 1971. From that year until 1980, he collaborated on the screenplays, later, shortly before his death he left forever Valiant.

Valiente series continues today, but there are other characters and other authors, yet maintains its success in the U.S., but is no longer the principle that masterpiece.


The story told is that of Valiente, heir to the kingdom of Thule, installed in the England of King Arthur where he meets Lancelot, Gawain, Arthur, and other components Arthurian legend. Not only develops his adventures in the V century England, but travels to other continents, he meets his beloved, Queen of the Misty Isles, and grows to Val we have known since I was a child, until now, a man weathered by time, travel and adventure, Arn's father, his successor.

Despite being a classic, you can find great reprints of this comic in English. Buru Lan, Planet, Bruguera, Pencil, Paper, have done a great job speaking compilation of the wonders of the purists of the series, which have a recovery to the original color, as if it were a Renaissance painting.

this influences realistic picture, full of details and manicured, are vast. Already in his time, another great classic, as Alex Raymond, Flash Gordon, was influenced by this type of drawing and setting, copying to how to develop close-ups and text boxes in the manner of silent films. Frank Frazetta and Victor Mora, with Captain Thunder, other artists have been influenced by this work. In the cinema has been at least two adaptations, and comics as Sigurd the Viking or Haggarth directly drink from this source.

This Christmas was not the prince but my queen who has given me happiness and peace. According to Haruki Makurami "The king and his subjects be peeled with laughter. "