Saturday, November 6, 2010

Headache Pain Pituary Gland


The government enacted Supreme Decree No. 022-2010 -ED Oct. 21, incorporating the Plan for Educational Management Municipalization to the 606 district municipalities (34% of the national total) the scope of intervention of Together. That includes 88% of the districts of Huanuco, Huancavelica 79%, 75% of Apurimac, Ayacucho 62%, 61% of Cajamarca, etc. All this despite widespread criticism over the failure of pilot educational management to the municipalities (which had been applied in 2% of districts), expressed in various reports of the National Education Council, the Ombudsman, the National Assembly Regional governments, the Network of Rural Municipalities and the MEF itself.

Without having validated the model, without success to exhibit, without making provisions for training, logistical support, technical assistance and resources to ensure a good job, they are asked to Peru's poorest municipalities to take charge of educational management the district. This, even though they can not even resolve the issues of waste, water and electricity, and without even have a reliable crew to social issues.

noteworthy that on one hand the government has transferred more than 90% of education responsibilities to regional governments, but otherwise interfere with the educational management issue that should no longer compete.

Education Forum published on 31 October in The Republic a statement calling for the repeal of the DS 022-2010-ED, which have joined prestigious institutions specializing in rural educational issues, which would be more sensible to deal with this crazy action .

Otherwise, the natural result will be an inefficient management, inefficient and chaotic, because the functions of government collide national, regional and municipal levels, and also when teachers have something to complain about, they will face the very weak town, rather than to the region or the national government. Prepare

, Mercedes Araoz, to answer why something does not work to transfer to poor municipalities, underfunded and limited capacities, is a sign of social and educational responsibility of the APRA government.

Mail Posted by Leon Trahtemberg


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